Invoice Payment Confirmation v4

This API gives clients and partners the ability to retrieve and update invoice payment data between the SAP Concur platform and a client’s external financial system. Information for new and historical invoice payments processed through an Invoice Pay feature can be retrieved for posting to a client’s external financial system. Invoices paid through an external system and not by an Invoice Pay feature can be updated with payment information from the external system.


This API is only available for direct integrations with an existing Concur Invoice client. Clients developing their own integrations between the Concur platform and their external system must purchase Client Web Services to utilize this API. Partner applications must complete the certification process to utilize the API scopes. This API supports only JSON. This API is not available in the China Data Center. Access to this documentation does not provide access to the API.

Process Flow

Invoice Payment Confirmation Process Flow Diagram

Products and Editions

  • Concur Invoice Professional Edition
  • Concur Invoice Standard Edition

Scope Usage

Name Description Endpoint
invoice.paymentconfirmation.write Write access to update payment status and write access to fetch new payments. POST, BULK, POST Read access to retrieved payments. GET



Access Token Usage

This API supports only Company access tokens.

Retrieve New Invoice Payments

使用该端点为新的检索信息invoice payments processed through an Invoice Pay feature and have not been extracted (by the Invoice Payment Confirmation Extract job or this API). A maximum of 500 records can be returned at a time. To ensure all payments are retrieved, call this API until you receive an empty payment in the response. After new invoice payments are retrieved, they will automatically be updated as extracted and cannot be retrieved again with this endpoint or the extract job. Retrieving new invoice payments is a POST call because the invoice payments must be updated to extracted.



POST https://{datacenterURI}/invoice/payment-confirmation/v4/payments
Name Type Format Description
limit integer - Limit of record, 1-500. (Default 500).
page integer - Page number. Cannot be 0. (Default 1).








POST Accept: application/json Authorization: BEARER {token}


200 OK Content-Type: application/json
{"pageNumber":1,"pageLimit":500,"totalRecordCount":2,“支付ments":[{"requestId":"35D9AB75E27F46D9B83C","invoiceNumber":"3453453","requestName":"Test invoice 7",“支付mentMethodType":"PAYPVD",“支付mentStatusDate":"2022-07-14","checkNumber":"CHECK",“支付mentStatus":"PAID","supplierName":"Candys100","vendorCode":"VEN100","vendorAddressCode":"VEN100ADDR1","fundingSourceReference":"B","fundingRequestReference":"A","providerPaymentMethod":"CHECK","thirdPartyReference":"C","invoiceCurrency":"GBP","fundingCurrency":"GBP",“支付mentCurrency":"GBP","foreignExchangeRate":0.100000},{"requestId":"7B928D5E6EEF4ADF8216","invoiceNumber":"ewrewr234","requestName":"New invoice test",“支付mentMethodType":"PAYPVD",“支付mentStatusDate":"2022-07-15","checkNumber":"CHECK",“支付mentStatus":"PAID","supplierName":"Candys101","vendorCode":"VEN101","vendorAddressCode":"VEN101ADDR1","fundingSourceReference":"B","fundingRequestReference":"A","providerPaymentMethod":"CHECK","thirdPartyReference":"C","invoiceCurrency":"AUD","fundingCurrency":"AUD",“支付mentCurrency":"AUD","foreignExchangeRate":0.100000}]}

Retrieve Historical Invoice Payments

Use this endpoint to retrieve information for invoice payments processed through an Invoice Pay feature and have previously been extracted (by the Invoice Payment Confirmation Extract job or this API). A maximum of 500 records can be returned at a time. New invoice payments that have not been retrieved/extracted are excluded. Parameters can be used to retrieve specific historical invoice payments.



GET https://{datacenterURI}/invoice/payment-confirmation/v4/payments


Name Type Format Description
limit integer - Limit of record, 1-500. (Default 500).
page integer - Page number. Cannot be 0. (Default 1).
payStatusToDate date YYYY-MM-DD Payment Status To Date.
payStatusFromDate date YYYY-MM-DD Payment Status From Date.
invoiceFromDate date YYYY-MM-DD Invoice To Date.
invoiceToDate date YYYY-MM-DD Invoice From Date.
vendorName string - Vendor Name. Maximum length: 255 characters.
vendorCode string - Vendor Code. Maximum length: 32 characters.
addressCode string - Vendor Address Code. Maximum length: 64 characters.
invoiceNumber string - Invoice Number. Maximum length: 50 characters.








GET Authorization: BEARER {token} Content-Type: application/json


200 OK Content-Type: application/json
{"pageNumber":1,"pageLimit":500,"totalRecordCount":2,“支付ments":[{"requestId":"35D9AB75E27F46D9B83C","invoiceNumber":"3453453","requestName":"Test invoice 7",“支付mentMethodType":"PAYPVD",“支付mentStatusDate":"2022-07-14","checkNumber":"CHECK",“支付mentStatus":"PAID","supplierName":"Candys100","vendorCode":"VEN100","vendorAddressCode":"VEN100ADDR1","fundingSourceReference":"B","fundingRequestReference":"A","providerPaymentMethod":"CHECK","thirdPartyReference":"C","invoiceCurrency":"GBP","fundingCurrency":"GBP",“支付mentCurrency":"GBP","foreignExchangeRate":0.100000},{"requestId":"7B928D5E6EEF4ADF8216","invoiceNumber":"ewrewr234","requestName":"New invoice test",“支付mentMethodType":"PAYPVD",“支付mentStatusDate":"2022-07-15","checkNumber":"CHECK",“支付mentStatus":"PAID","supplierName":"Candys101","vendorCode":"VEN101","vendorAddressCode":"VEN101ADDR1","fundingSourceReference":"B","fundingRequestReference":"A","providerPaymentMethod":"CHECK","thirdPartyReference":"C","invoiceCurrency":"AUD","fundingCurrency":"AUD",“支付mentCurrency":"AUD","foreignExchangeRate":0.100000}]}

Update Invoices with Payment Information

Use this endpoint to update invoices that have been paid through an external system and not with an Invoice Pay feature with payment information.



POST https://{datacenterURI}/invoice/payment-confirmation/v4/payments/bulkUpdate


Bulk Update Payment



Payment Bulk Update Result



Request (When all payments get successfully validated and persisted) POST Authorization: BEARER {token} Content-Type: application/json
[{"requestId":"BB673A3B47DD41D2BCD1","invoiceNumber":"invoice1","vendorCode":"VEN118","vendorAddressCode":"VEN118ADDR1","invoiceAmount":10,“支付mentStatus":"PAID",“支付mentMethodType":"CLIENT",“支付mentStatusDate":"2022-08-08","checkNumbers":["2345","678"],“支付mentAmount":7.58,"notesToSupplier":"Notes to vendor",“支付mentAdjNotes":"Payment Adjustment Notes","customFields":{"custom1":"test custom field 1","custom2":"test custom field 2"}},{"invoiceNumber":"invoice2","vendorCode":"VEN118","vendorAddressCode":"VEN118ADDR1","invoiceAmount":5,“支付mentStatus":"VOID",“支付mentStatusDate":"2022-08-07","notesToSupplier":"test notes to vendor",“支付mentAdjNotes":"Payment Adjustment Test Notes","customFields":{"custom1":"custom 1","custom2":"2022-08-07"}}]


200 OK Content-Type: application/json
{"status":"OK","successCount":2,"failureCount":0,"successfulPayments":[{"requestId":"BB673A3B47DD41D2BCD1","invoiceNumber":"invoice1","invoiceAmount":10,"vendorCode":"VEN118","vendorAddressCode":"VEN118ADDR1",“支付mentStatus":"PAID",“支付mentStatusDate":"2022-08-08","checkNumbers":["2345","678"],“支付mentMethodType":"CLIENT",“支付mentAmount":7.58,"notesToSupplier":"Notes to vendor",“支付mentAdjNotes":"Payment Adjustment Notes"},{"invoiceNumber":"invoice2","invoiceAmount":5,"vendorCode":"VEN118","vendorAddressCode":"VEN118ADDR1",“支付mentStatus":"VOID",“支付mentStatusDate":"2022-08-07","notesToSupplier":"test notes to vendor",“支付mentAdjNotes":"Payment Adjustment Test Notes"}]}
Request (When all payments get invalidated) POST Authorization: BEARER {token} Content-Type: application/json
[{"requestId":"Y042925D892D4725BF23","invoiceAmount":2,“支付mentStatus":"PAID",“支付mentMethodType":"CLIENT",“支付mentStatusDate":"2022-08-03","checkNumbers":["2345","12907","678"],“支付mentAmount":1.58,"notesToSupplier":"Sample notes to vendor",“支付mentAdjNotes":"Payment Adjustment Notes","customFields":{"custom1":"12","custom6":"13","custom10":"14"}},{"invoiceNumber":"wrwrr","vendorCode":"VEN115","vendorAddressCode":"VEN115ADDR1","invoiceAmount":5,“支付mentStatus":"VOID",“支付mentMethodType":"CLIENT",“支付mentStatusDate":"2022-08-04","notesToSupplier":"Notes to vendor",“支付mentAdjNotes":"Payment Adjustment Notes","customFields":{"custom1":"custom 1","custom2":"custom 2"}}]


400 BAD REQUEST Content-Type: application/json
{"status":"BAD_REQUEST","successCount":0,"failureCount":2,"failedPayments":[{"requestId":"Y042925D892D4725BF23","invoiceAmount":2,“支付mentStatus":"PAID",“支付mentStatusDate":"2022-08-03","checkNumbers":["2345","12907","678"],“支付mentMethodType":"CLIENT",“支付mentAmount":1.58,"notesToSupplier":"Sample notes to vendor",“支付mentAdjNotes":"Payment Adjustment Notes","errorMessage":"No request found for requestId Y042925D892D4725BF23"},{"invoiceNumber":"wrwrr","invoiceAmount":5,"vendorCode":"VEN115","vendorAddressCode":"VEN115ADDR1",“支付mentStatus":"VOID",“支付mentStatusDate":"2022-08-04",“支付mentMethodType":"CLIENT","notesToSupplier":"Notes to vendor",“支付mentAdjNotes":"Payment Adjustment Notes","errorMessage":"Request does not have a Payment Status of Extracted"}]}
Request (When we have partial successful payments) POST Authorization: BEARER {token} Content-Type: application/json
[{"requestId":"BB673A3B47DD41D2BCD1","invoiceAmount":2,“支付mentStatus":"PAID",“支付mentMethodType":"CLIENT",“支付mentStatusDate":"2022-08-03","checkNumbers":["2345","12907"],“支付mentAmount":1.589,"notesToSupplier":"Sample notes to vendor",“支付mentAdjNotes":"Payment Adjustment Notes","customFields":{"custom1":"12","custom2":"2022-08-07"}},{"vendorCode":"VEN118","vendorAddressCode":"VEN118ADDR1","invoiceAmount":5,“支付mentStatus":"VOID",“支付mentMethodType":"CLIENT",“支付mentStatusDate":"2022-08-07","notesToSupplier":"Notes to vendor",“支付mentAdjNotes":"Payment Adjustment Notes","customFields":{"custom1":"custom 1","custom2":"2022-08-07"}}]


207 MULTI STATUS Content-Type: application/json
{"status":"MULTI_STATUS","successCount":1,"failureCount":1,"successfulPayments":[{"requestId":"BB673A3B47DD41D2BCD1","invoiceAmount":2,“支付mentStatus":"PAID",“支付mentStatusDate":"2022-08-03","checkNumbers":["2345","12907"],“支付mentMethodType":"CLIENT",“支付mentAmount":1.589,"notesToSupplier":"Sample notes to vendor",“支付mentAdjNotes":"Payment Adjustment Notes"}],"failedPayments":[{"invoiceAmount":5,"vendorCode":"VEN118","vendorAddressCode":"VEN118ADDR1",“支付mentStatus":"VOID",“支付mentStatusDate":"2022-08-07",“支付mentMethodType":"CLIENT","notesToSupplier":"Notes to vendor",“支付mentAdjNotes":"Payment Adjustment Notes","errorMessage":"Missing parameter requestId/invoiceNumber"}]}



Name Type Format Description
paymentsList array Payment Contains the list of payments.


Name Type Format Description
requestId string - Unique identifier of the payment. Maximum length: 20 characters.
invoiceNumber string - The invoice number for the invoice that the financial system paid. Maximum length: 50 characters.
purchaseOrderNumber string - The Purchase Order (PO) number associated with the invoice. Maximum length: 32 characters.
paymentMethodType string - The code associated with the payment method type, for example “VCHER” (Voucher Card Payment). The PAYPVD code is associated with the payment made by a payment provider. Length: 6 characters.
paymentAmount numeric - The amount paid. Maximum length: 23 characters and 8 decimal places.
paymentAdjustmentNotes string - Notes on why an invoice may have been short-paid or otherwise changed. Maximum length: 500 characters.
paymentStatusDate date YYYY-MM-DD The effective date associated with the Payment Status field.
checkNumber string - The number of the bank check used to pay the invoice. Maximum length: 100 characters.
paymentStatus string - The status of the invoice is updated to the value provided in this record. Extracted invoices within Invoice Pay (ACH, CHECK, VCHER), which are later marked as Client Pay, will show in the Payment Confirmation Extract. Length: 6 characters.
supplierName string - The name the financial system uses for the vendor indicated on the invoice. Maximum Maximum length: 255 characters.
vendorCode string - The specific code associated with the vendor. Maximum length: 32 characters.
vendorAddressCode string - The specific address code associated with the vendor. Maximum length: 64 characters.
paymentDemandId string - Maximum length: 20 characters.
fundingInitiationDate string YYYY-MM-DD
fundingSettlementDate string YYYY-MM-DD
returnInitiationDate string YYYY-MM-DD
returnSettlementDate string YYYY-MM-DD
paymentInitiationDate string YYYY-MM-DD The date the payment was initiated.
paymentSettlementDate string YYYY-MM-DD The date the payment will be in the payees account.
cashAccountCode string - Maximum length: 48 characters.
liabilityAccountCode string Maximum length: 48 characters.
batchId string - Maximum length: 20 characters.
fundingSourceReference string - Used by Payment Providers for identifying the funding source a payment was made from. Maximum Maximum length: 200 characters.
fundingRequestReference string - 所使用的支付提供商事务麻木er of the debit from a funding source. Maximum length: 200 characters.
providerPaymentMethod string - Used by Payment Providers for the payment method for which they processed the payment. Maximum: 30 characters.
thirdPartyReference string - 所使用的支付提供商事务麻木er of the payment to the vendor. Maximum length: 510 characters.
invoiceCurrency string - The three character ISO Currency Code for the invoice. Length: 3 characters.
fundingCurrency string - Used by Payment Providers for the three-character ISO Currency Code a payment was issued in. Length: 3 characters.
paymentCurrency string - Used by Payment Providers for the three-character ISO Currency Code a payment was issued in. Length: 3 characters.
foreignExchangeRate numeric - Used by Payment Providers for the exchange rate used to calculate the payment amount in the payment currency from the funding currency. Maximum length: 23 characters and 6 decimal places.

Bulk Update Payment

Name Type Format Description
updatePaymentsList array Payment Update Contains the list of payments.

Payment Update

Name Type Format Description
requestId string - Unique identifier of the payment. Maximum length: 20 characters. Required if invoiceNumber is not provided.
invoiceAmount numeric - The invoice amount for the invoice that the financial system paid. Maximum 23 and 8 decimal places. Maximum length: 23 characters and 8 decimal places.
paymentStatus string Payment Update Status The status of the invoice is updated to the value provided in this record. A status of PAID is automatically applied if no value is specified for this optional field.
paymentMethodType string Payment Method The option used to pay the vendor for the good or service. Leave blank to default to the payment method associated with the vendor. Valid options include the following, which are passed to Payment Manager for processing: ACH, CHECK. The following values are specified on import only if the client has configured the vendor to one these default payment methods: CARD, CLIENT, VCHER (Voucher), WIRE
paymentStatusDate string YYYY-MM-DD The effective date associated with the Payment Status field.
checkNumbers array - The number of the bank check used to pay the invoice. Multiple check numbers are permitted. Maximum length: 100 characters.
paymentAmount numeric - The amount paid for a given payment amount (may not match the original total amount, given partial pay or similar). Maximum length: 23 characters and 8 decimal places.
notesToSupplier string - Comments entered for the benefit of the vendor explaining special payment circumstances, payment amount, date or similar. Maximum length: 500 characters.
paymentAdjNotes string - Comments entered explaining why the payment may have been adjusted (for example, short-shipped, or damage to items). Maximum length: 500 characters.
customFields object Custom Fields Custom field data.
vendorName string - The name the financial system uses for the vendor indicated on the invoice. Refer to the note below. Maximum length: 255 characters.
invoiceNumber string - The invoice number for the invoice that the financial system paid. Required if requestId is not provided. Refer to the note below. Maximum: 50 characters.
vendorCode string - The vendor code associated with this payment. Refer to the note below. Maximum: 32 characters.
vendorAddressCode string - The vendor address code associated with this payment. Refer to the note below. Maximum: 64 characters.

Note : Identifiers for the invoices being updated can be provided as follows:

  • vendor name + invoice number
  • vendor code + invoice number
  • vendor code + vendor address code + invoice number

Custom Fields

Name Type Format Description
custom1throughcustom24 string - The details for the custom fields. These may not have data, depending on configuration. Maximum length: 48 characters.

Bulk Update Payment Result

Name Type Format Description
successfulPayments array Payment Update Result Contains the list of payments which got validated successfully along with its persistence in the DB.
failedPayments array Payment Update Result Contains the list of payments which got invalidated along with the error message of its validation failure.
status HTTP Status - Http Status : 200 OK - If all payments get successfully validated, 400 BAD_REQUEST - If all payments get invalidated, 207 MULTI_STATUS - If the list has both valid and invalid payments.
successCount int - The count of successful payments in the list.
failureCount int - The count of failed payments in the list.

Payment Update Result

Name Type Format Description
requestId string - Unique identifier of the payment. Maximum length: 20 characters. Required if invoiceNumber is not provided.
invoiceAmount numeric - The invoice amount for the invoice that the financial system paid. Maximum length: 23 characters and 8 decimal places.
paymentStatus string Payment Update Status The status of the invoice is updated to the value provided in this record. A status of PAID is automatically applied if no value is specified for this optional field.
paymentMethodType string Payment Method The option used to pay the vendor for the good or service. Leave blank to default to the payment method associated with the vendor. Valid options include the following, which are passed to Payment Manager for processing: ACH, CHECK. The following values are specified on import only if the client has configured the vendor to one these default payment methods: CARD, CLIENT, VCHER (Voucher), WIRE
paymentStatusDate string YYYY-MM-DD The effective date associated with the Payment Status field.
checkNumbers array - The number of the bank check used to pay the invoice. Multiple check numbers are permitted. Maximum length: 100 characters.
paymentAmount numeric - The amount paid for a given payment amount (may not match the original total amount, given partial pay or similar). Maximum length: 23 characters and 8 decimal places.
notesToSupplier string - Comments entered for the benefit of the vendor explaining special payment circumstances, payment amount, date or similar. Maximum length: 500 characters.
paymentAdjNotes string - Comments entered explaining why the payment may have been adjusted (for example, short-shipped, or damage to items). Maximum length: 500 characters.
vendorName string - The name the financial system uses for the vendor indicated on the invoice. Maximum length: 255 characters.
invoiceNumber string - The invoice number for the invoice that the financial system paid. Required if requestId is not provided. Maximum length: 50 characters.
vendorCode string - The vendor code associated with this payment. Maximum length: 32 characters.
vendorAddressCode string - The vendor address code associated with this payment. Maximum length: 64 characters.
errorMessage string - Only displays when we have invalid payments - error message which tells about the invalid request data. Maximum length: 200 characters.


Name Type Format Description
errors array Error An array of errors.


Name Type Format Description
errorCode string - RequiredMachine readable code associated with the error.
errorMessage string - RequiredHuman readable message associated with the error.


Payment Update Status

Value Description
PAID Payment is paid.
VOID Payment is voided.
CANCEL Payment is cancelled.

Payment Method

Value Description
ACH ACH payment
CHECK Check payment
WIRE Wire payment
CARD Card payment
VCHER Card Voucher payment method
CLIENT Client payment method

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