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Who Me Too'd this topic

Who Me Too'd this topic

Occasional Member - Level 2

CTE_FIN_POSTING142 Inconsistent usage of SAP tax code and Concur tax code


During posting from Concur to SAP I get the following error:

"Inconsistent usage of SAP tax code (XX) and Concur tax code (XXXXXX…)" CTE_FIN_POSTING142.

The tax code is non-reclaimable. So, it is not generating an additional line item, but the tax is calculated.

I know there is a discussion on the forum about the same, but do not see any solution there.

- On both sides (Concur and SAP) the code is configured as non-reclaimable.

- on both sides there is standard configuration

Could you please tell what exactly happens and what (and on which side) is missing?

Thank you,

Kind regards,


Who Me Too'd this topic