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Who Me Too'd this topic

Who Me Too'd this topic

Occasional Member - Level 2


I believe when our Concur account was first set up two years ago, user profiles were associated with a personal credit card rather than a business card. I'm not sure why as I was not working there at that time but they have always been business cards. Our Chase business cards are linked with Concur through Yodlee. I'm not sure if this is something with the new UI but now, all of our business credit card expenses are pulling in as out of pocket expenses even though we have a business card program set up and these are very obviously business card charges. Our employees don't use their personal credit cards for anything, ever. Concur support is telling me that the system is designed to default to cash or out of pocket because they are associated with personal credit cards. THEY ARE NOT PERSONAL CREDIT CARDS. Is there anyway to fix this?? The solution I was given by support is to just have the employees change the payment type in their expense report. They are already fuming mad about this horrible new interface, now they are having to do more work to change the payment type. Please tell me there is a way to fix this??

Who Me Too'd this topic