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Occasional Member - Level 2

Report by Vendor/Employee/Transactions


I would like to know if in Concur we can run a report for the expense, which shows the information of the vendor, employee and the amount of the transactions?

Example : Employee X has expense with vendor ABC ($500). The amount of $500, can be in 1 or more than 1 transactions with vendor ABC.

I need to analyze how many transactions we have with each vendor, with the total amount.

Thank you

Community Manager
Community Manager

@anareswarithis is possible. However, my question for you is have you used Cognos reporting? If not, it would be difficult to explain the details if you aren't familiar with Cognos.

I'll await your reply.

Thank you,
Kevin Dorsey
SAP Concur Community Manager
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Occasional Member - Level 2

是的,我确实有cognos报告。但我不know which report that I can use.

Community Manager
Community Manager

@anareswariyou would build the report yourself. Have you built a custom report in Cognos before or have you just used Cognos to run reports?

Thank you,
Kevin Dorsey
SAP Concur Community Manager
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Occasional Member - Level 2

I usually just run reports from Cognos, never built report before

I think you can try the reviewing the Standard reports manual on the Concur Training site and look for a report that might work for you under the Expense Processing section. You should be able to filter for the info you are looking for.https://www.concurtraining.com/customers/tech_pubs/Docs/Cognos/DefaultRpts/Catalog.pdf

Nancy Murray
Occasional Member - Level 1

Has this been answered? How do we build a custom report in Cognos?@KevinD

Community Manager
Community Manager

@pquan你好。因为建筑Cognos报告s is a bit more of a process than explaining something like creating a new expense report, I always recommend to our customers to attend our free training class on Cognos. Here is a link to read more about the class and when it is offered:https://community.concur.com/t5/Reporting-Hub/Business-Intelligence-Training-Sessions-Now-Available/...

Thank you,
Kevin Dorsey
SAP Concur Community Manager
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