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Occasional Member - Level 1

New concur no longer has the 1 or 2 weeks view function


My company recently migrated to the "new" concur and it lost the 1 or 2 weeks view functionality! That was absolutely crucial to my expense because otherwise it's very very difficult to see an overview of what receipt i might be missing. Is there any way to reactivate that functionality? Otherwise all the receipts look very very clunky, it's very very difficult to check and verify my expense report.

The 1 week or 2 weeks view was awesome because i can see 1 week trip = Car Rental + rental car gas + uber/lyft/airport parking. Now it's very hard to see and i'll definitely miss some expenses because you no longer have this feature.

Please don't make concur worse.

Thank you.

Community Manager
Community Manager

@jasonlee422Hello there. I'm trying to picture what you are asking about. Are you asking about a one or two week view when your expense report is open or are you talking about a one or two week view from your Manage Expenses screen? Just trying to figure out what you are referring to so I can see if there is something comparable in the new UI. I'll await your reply.

Thank you,
Kevin Dorsey
SAP Concur Community Manager
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Occasional Member - Level 1

Hi Kevin,

Thank you for the reply. I'm talking about the one or two weeks view from my manage expense screen. I used to be able to switch to 1 or 2 weeks view which helped a lot because i can check for Car Rental, gas, parking...etc. This makes it really easy to see if i'm missing any expenses (or double expensing). I'm very sad to see that functionality disappear in the new Concur. Now i have to check all items on a big list which is very hard to keep track of. Thank you.

New Member - Level 1

I agree. This is extremely disappointing. I can only imagine that the people making the decision that certain features are no longer needed don't actually use the software. This feature is valuable to check for errors in my own expense reports and when approving subordinate's reports.

New Member - Level 1

I agree also. I miss this feature. This was extremely useful for making sure items were on the correct dates and nothing was missed. I still use it as an approver, but now my employees submit more errors, because they can't pre-check their entries.