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Occasional Member - Level 1

Hotel reimbursement sent to wrong account

I recently went on a trip for work and stayed in a hotel. Once I got back I completed my expense report and submitted it. All of the expenses for my trip seem to have been sent for reimbursement to my company card, though my hotel has been reimbursed to my personal bank account (that I use for company phone monthly reimbursement). I am not sure who I need to talk to or what I need to do to fix this but I need assistance.

Community Manager
Community Manager

@zcalej所以,你创建了一个的事情发生了pocket expense for your hotel that is why you were reimbursed to your personal bank account. Notice in the screenshot below, the Hotel expense doesn't have the icon that I've highlighted in the other two entries. These indicate a card transaction. The lack of this icon means you created the expense manually.


现在,如果你看看你的帐户,您将看到去年ther expense report named September Expenses (09/01/2022) in the amount of $679.75. Guess what is sitting on this report.:slightly_smiling_face:Yep, the hotel expense in question. You will need to submit this expense as a personal expense. This will tell the system not to pay off this expense. I noticed that the Personal Expense checkbox is not available for the expense type Hotel, so I would recommend changing the expense type to Miscellaneous. For the Miscellaneous type, choose other. Use the Comment field to provide an explanation. You will need to attach a receipt to this entry.

The money you received in your personal bank account should be used to send a payment to VISA to cover this expense. That should fix it.

Thank you,
Kevin Dorsey
SAP Concur Community Manager
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Occasional Member - Level 1

Okay, I think I am understanding. So I need to resubmit my expense as personal expense? (it is now showing that icon for card use as it has now populated on my card) I understand that part.

However, on my amazon travel card (it is visa), there is not a "make payment" option online.

How do I address that aspect?

Community Manager
Community Manager

@zcalejyour company card should have a number on the back that you can call to arrange a payment.

Thank you,
Kevin Dorsey
SAP Concur Community Manager
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