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SAP Concur Employee
SAP Concur Employee

Feedback on NextGen Expense UI

Hi all,

We are excited to announce a brand new Early Adopter Care program is available, specifically designed to gather feedback from customers/end-users using NextGen Expense UI to talk to Expense product team to improve user experience.

Details can be found on the Influence portal here:NextGen UI for Expense – End User Feedback Early Adopter Care program.

(if you have not yet visited the Influence site, you will be directed to a registration form first).

Product Requirements:

  • Concur Expense (Professional or Standard)- active use for at least 6 months
  • NextGen UI for Concur Expense enabled
    • Nice to have: Configurations that have Attendees, Itemizations, Allocations, Receipts,

Once you register, Expense product team will be in touch with admins to kick off the program and will request to connect with end-users who are willing to provide feedback on the new UI.

Super User
Super User

I went to the SAP Customer Influenece site, registered and then received an email that I had to agree to my full name being exposed to public internet. I could not agree to my full name and other information representing my company to be exposed to the public internet. Therefore I requested to be removed.:frowning_face:I really wanted to be a part of this feedback group as we still have issues with the NextGen UI but can't for that reason.

SAP Concur Employee
SAP Concur Employee


Thank you for your interest in the NGE Feedback Program. SAP Customer Influence site is used by customers for different purposes such as submitting Improvement Request and signing up for feedback programs. Your full name and your company's name show when you submit an improvement request so that other companies can vote on your request. It will not show anywhere in the public internet for signing up to a feedback program. We do not post any participants information, we only keep it for communication purposes until the feedback program ends.

New Member - Level 1

Concur is making it too difficult to get end user feedback. I hope you/ your company reads all the comments and notes we leave everywhere else about how much the new interface sucks.

Occasional Member - Level 1

Please bring back the receipts split window expense creation within reports. Can't use this without that.

New Member - Level 1

Really not liking this new UI. Give an option please for the old view where I can do everything on one screen and not be forced to drill down into expenses when I click on them and having each click bring me to a new page. Also I process many expenses and it is difficult to see what I didn't look at yet without the ones I haven't clicked on being bold. Not a fan of this UI at all.

Occasional Member - Level 2

I agree. More clicking to add an expense, add attendees, and attach receipts (no drag/drop). This is not an upgrade. It's a downgrade in terms of efficiency. I support multiple executives who travel frequently, so it greatly affects me. I'm a big advocate for technology and change. It should make us MORE efficient, not less.

Occasional Member - Level 1

I am not creating another account just to give feedback... I already created this account today just to express my displeasure about the new UI changes.

• Not being able to see your other expenses listed while working on an expense: bad.

•出于某些原因,我不能创建的副本r Mileage Reimbursement like I used to be able to. I make the same trip every day, and I don't want to have to create a dozen of them from scratch...

• I keep getting errors when trying to create itineraries and have to reload the entire site...

• Everything takes up way too much space now. Why should I have to scroll so much?

• Can no longer use the scroll wheel on my mouse to zoom when using the Mileage Calculator map. Why? Because the layout is too big, and there is a scroll bar for the windowed screen! It cuts off the "Add Mileage to Expense" button...

• These are just the things I have found in the last 2 hours...

Occasional Member - Level 1

I do not like this new UI at all for many reasons. This UI may be work well for someone who tracks smaller amounts of expenses. For someone like myself who tracks multiple expenses for several people, it does not. I am unable to code multiples of the same expense at the same time for example per diem. The screen is far too big than it needs to be when viewing one expense. I really, really liked the old UI. It was easier to view all my expenses, go through them, and know which ones I have and haven't touched. It's like the old saying "why fix it if it isn't broke?" Basically, the new UI is unnecessarily large for no reason. You're unable to work on multiple expenses at the same time. You cannot tell which ones you've already worked on and which ones you haven't without having to view them individually. Please either give us the option of going back to the old UI or bring it back.

Occasional Member - Level 1

所有的工作都需要附加ional steps to complete. You guys have taken a simple process and doubled or tripled the time to complete it.

New Member - Level 1

For real! Window after window after window. Whoever thought this was a good idea should be fired.

New Member - Level 2

They made the interface this big so it looks good on a phone's browser. For some reason they seem to think that we're all using our phones to process expenses.

Occasional Member - Level 2

Way too many clicks add expenses, add attendees. This is less efficient. I has 5 executives that travel, so a few seconds here and there adds up. Any why did you take away drag/drop for receipts. Yet more extra clicks. Technology is supposed to make things faster/easier.

Occasional Member - Level 2

Hi@MeltemCwe waited for the 1st Oct for Concur to switch the NextGen UI for us. However, I created an expense report today and it was still the old UI. I understand that to ensure smooth transitions, Concur will be moving customers onto the new user interface on arolling basis over a multi-day time period. So, does this mean it will be done in a couple of days and then we will see the new UI?

Thanks and regards,


SAP Concur Employee
SAP Concur Employee

Hi@Akshata, transition will be complete in the next 2 weeks for all of our customers. I don't have an exact day for your company but when it's switched on one of these days, you'll be able to see the new UI.

Occasional Member - Level 2

Thank you MeltemC. It was enabled the same day when you responded:slightly_smiling_face:

New Member - Level 2

小心!他们没有给出一个日期过渡and we lost a lot of information during the transition on existing unsubmitted reports. It was a nightmare- lost receipts, lost information on expenses...

New Member - Level 2

The new UI is, in a word, bad. It is much more difficult to see your expenses in a report, to add new expenses, and to generally just navigate through the unnecessary amount of sub-menus. The previous interface was simple to use, to navigate, and to track your expenses. Please give users the option of reverting to the much friendlier interface, instead of this absolutely terrible new one.

Occasional Member - Level 1

Bad does not begin to describe the new interface. If Concur was my company, I would terminate everyone involved.

New Member - Level 1

Im glad I was able to use a specific link to use the old UI for a while, but not Concur even put a stop to that. I dont understand why they would FORCE a worse UI on people.

New Member - Level 2

The old outline view was incredibly powerful. Especially when you had recurring expenses of similar values from the same vendor. It was easy to click through the outline view on the left side of the screen and see which expenses you had reconciled or not with a Job name, PO, customer, etc. Now there is no easy way to do that. You must click on each individual expense and drill down, continuously navigating back and forth between the home page, which adds a considerable amount of time to reconciling expenses. I would highly suggest incorporating that same outline feature into the new UI, provide an option to preview the expense details by hovering over it without clicking on it, or provide an option to revert the site view back to the old UI.

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