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SAP Concur Employee
SAP Concur Employee

Feedback on NextGen Expense UI

Hi all,

We are excited to announce a brand new Early Adopter Care program is available, specifically designed to gather feedback from customers/end-users using NextGen Expense UI to talk to Expense product team to improve user experience.

Details can be found on the Influence portal here:NextGen UI for Expense – End User Feedback Early Adopter Care program.

(if you have not yet visited the Influence site, you will be directed to a registration form first).

Product Requirements:

  • Concur Expense (Professional or Standard)- active use for at least 6 months
  • NextGen UI for Concur Expense enabled
    • Nice to have: Configurations that have Attendees, Itemizations, Allocations, Receipts,

Once you register, Expense product team will be in touch with admins to kick off the program and will request to connect with end-users who are willing to provide feedback on the new UI.

New Member - Level 1

Ditto everyone else on this thread so far. This new UI slows down pretty much every aspect of submitting a report. The old UI may not have been pretty, but it was functional. There are no obvious calls to action on a row and takes haphazard clicking just to figure out where actually to click to resolve an error from the expense. The only "blue" link brings up a popover of the auto-added expense but then clicking just off of it brings up the expense editor; none of that makes sense and should not have passed even basic UX design processes.

I can see where y'all were trying to take this, and it could be positive, but right now it appears that it needs to go back to the workshop for some cleanup and deeper UI/UX testing.

As an additional note: It would be great if the width was not so constrained. On a 4k 32" monitor there is enough screen real estate that this could be much wider, especially if "view: detail" is selected as I'm forced to scroll horizontally.

Occasional Member - Level 1

I registered on this forum, but was unable to log in using your link above. Am I missing something?

Occasional Member - Level 1

Please give the option to revert back to the old UI!!! The new UI is awful. I do not like how I have to click on every expense just to see if I have completed that expense or not. I miss the blue checkmark when the expense was completed. I also miss being able to hover over the green card icon to view details from say a flight or hotel stay. Now, I have to click the expense and drill down every single expense. This is very time consuming. The new UI is NOT user friendly. Again, please give the option to revert back or add these features back in.

Occasional Member - Level 1

The new UI is by far a huge step backwards. The old UI was much nicer and easier to use.

+1 to trashing the new UI

New Member - Level 2

the new UI is ridiculous. what is purported to be integration and increased accessibility has increased the time needed to submit reports by 400-500%! this is SAP's way to inflate usage time to gauge performance? all shortcuts such as drag-drop & quick expense were removed and we are forced to stare at a rotating circle every time we click on a button.

New Member - Level 3

This is the furthest thing from an upgrade. As an executive admin that manages large reports for multiple travelling execs, this new UI has made my work 10 x more difficult and time consuming. Please please make an option to use the old UI. I just don't understand the purpose of changing something that worked SO well.

Occasional Member - Level 2

Agree, so many sub-menus and endless clicking.

Occasional Member - Level 1

Please remove this new interface and provide counseling to allow your users to recover from this horrific experiment. This is the WORST user interface that I have ever seen on any product. Also, please send the person or persons responsible for this disaster to your competition. I am sure that they can help them.

New Member - Level 2

The original platform worked great, the NextGen UI creates more steps and less visibility. Please offer an option to continue using the previous version; it's WAY more user friendly!

New Member - Level 1

I created an account just to comment on how awful this new UI is.
Everything takes more clicks now.
Before there was a claims library and going into that I could select and copy a claim. Now I have to click into the claim before I can copy it. I submit the exact same claim every month. I don't need to look at it first to know if it is correct.
When I submitted my claim, there was a giant pop-up window with the details, I know my eyesight is not great, but the person who sits behind me should not be able to see my report claim details. Clicked to get rid of that, and yet another pop-up window with something else. No clue what it said because by then I was just annoyed by this horrible new experience.

Did you actually test this with people who use this on a day to day basis? Were customers complaining about the old UI, or was this done on a whim because some exec thought it needed a refresh because everyone else is doing it.

Occasional Member - Level 3

Our first expense report deadline since the new UI was introduced is fast approaching and I have spent HOURS talking angry end users off the ledge! What used to be a very efficient process has become incredibly time consuming and frustrating for Expense users. The additional lift for both users and administrators is a big ask, and in the end, costs our company monies in time wasted. Very disappointed in the UI effectiveness.

New Member - Level 3

I NEVER and I mean NEVER give negative feedback about things, but I just can't hold back. This new UI is an abomination. You need to give people the ability to use the older UI. Whoever is in charge of this should be fired. I just can't comprehend how someone could have designed this and thought it was better? Why would people want to make filling out expense longer and more difficult? This is not a training or getting used to change issue. The interface is worse and negatively impacts your customers. Huge miss here. Very disappointed.

New Member - Level 2

The new platform creates extra work and is frustrating. I can no longer choose to view and delegate receipts within my report and now must click click click to view. If I view a receipt that does not match the expense I am in, I must start over. The drag and drop feature for receipts is completely gone, which was a game changer. I had to re enter my credit cards and now many features that auto populated within reports no longer do, meaning extra drop down menus and an awful game of code hide and seek. Not really sure why Concur would "update" only to make a ridiculous amount of extra steps, but if it is not fixed soon i will be loudly encouraging my company to look elsewhere.

Occasional Member - Level 2

HORRIBLE! I created an account here on the community just to express my displeasure. I'm not creating yet another account just to give feedback.

View Available Receipts is missing, and that's the thing from which I do ALL my expense work. I email all my receipts to concur, then view available receipts and create an expense based on what I see.

This is IMPOSSIBLE in the new interface.


SAP Concur Employee
SAP Concur Employee

Hi everyone,

I understand your frustration and appreciate all the feedback you've given on the new UI. With the feedback we received from you, we'll be making some improvements in the user experience starting with Drag and Drop. It's been published in the external roadmap and it's coming up in the next couple of weeks.

If you want to talk to the Product team to provide feedback on the new UI, please sign up in this link and we'll reach out to you.NextGen UI for Expense – End User Feedback Early Adopter Care program

Occasional Member - Level 2

That isn't going to help. The UI experience is *horrid* now and has wasted hundreds of hours of time for my team. You need to be working on reverting to the previous interface instead of trying to fix this half-baked UI that no one asked for. The feedback process is awful, too. I guess maybe you'll start paying attention to the these calls for the previous UI when clients start migrating away from Concur, completely?

Occasional Member - Level 3

I am a participant in the feedback program, and I think the two calls I have been on have been very productive. I was able to speak with engineers who helped design the new UI, show them the issues I had, and explain why they were important. It seemed to be very useful to the engineers and most of my questions were answered. If you are a support contact for your company I would highly recommend signing up.

As for a mass migration, I don't see that happening. There's not really anyplace else to go except back to the days of Excel spreadsheets and manila envelopes.

New Member - Level 3

Please - don't drip drip drip fixes in the next couple of weeks. If you can't schedule corrections nimbly, it's time to go back to the old UI and take a good hard look at your release. I can't believe your company released the NextGen UI in its current iteration.

We don't need a mobile app on our desktop computers.

New Member - Level 3

I don't think there is anything I can say here that hasn't been said before. I just want to let this development team know they did a crap job and there's another disgruntled user.

Sure the new interface is pretty and modern but it lacks literally Every Single Useful Feature that the old version had.

This new version is trash. Please roll back and try again, this time keeping useful features like... Calendar view and expense details

New Member - Level 1

Hi, I noticed the UI has been updated and no longer has the option to upload .qfx file for consolidated line item transactions. This feature was very helpful and without it, I now have to enter in each line item for our business office expenses (69-160 line items). This is very time consuming without being able to upload statements. Is there any way to bring this feature back?

New Member - Level 2

This new UI is terrible. I never had any issues with the old one, after using it for years. I've only used the new one twice, and it's already been so frustrating and time wasting, it's ridiculous. I was trying to click the check box so I could copy an expense (I use the same personal car mileage every day), and if I missed the box by even a pixel, it would take me to a new page for that expense. Why?

摆脱这可怕的新的UI和恢复old one, or at least give people the option to keep the old one. I don't know who thought this was a good idea, or if there is anyone that actually likes this new layout, but I have never seen a change/update to system that made things this much worse.

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