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Occasional Member - Level 1

Expense help

Good morning,

I am getting the following message as an error. I need help! A number to talk to an actual person would help as well. Thanks.

行动: Only Corporate Card Expense transactions may be on a T&E report. Please remove any non-Corporate Card transactions and add them to the correct report type

Also, I am in a Pharma DC and none of the EXPENSE TYPE work for what I need. Items such as plumber, or culligan, or pallets. Anyone know what they should go under?

Community Manager
Community Manager

@jmdavis1977looks like you resolved your issue.:slightly_smiling_face:

Thank you,
Kevin Dorsey
SAP Concur Community Manager
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Occasional Member - Level 1


@KevinDI am having the same issue and can't seem to get ahold of any internal support.

Please Help!



Occasional Member - Level 1

Community Manager
Community Manager

@bscwharzedo you have a company card or cards assigned to you? Sounds like the card you have is a P-Card. Most companies set up a P-Card policy for expense reports. What I want you to do is open up the expense report in question. Once open, click Report Details. From the drop down list, select Report Header. When the report header window opens up, look for a field that says either Policy or Report Policy. If this field has a drop down arrow, click this and see if there is an option that says "PCard". If so, choose this then click Save.

Give that a try and see if it works. Please come back here and let me know.

Thank you,
Kevin Dorsey
SAP Concur Community Manager
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Occasional Member - Level 1

Thanks for the quick response@KevinD.下面是我看到的形象,我不t believe there's a policy/report policy dropdown.


Community Manager
Community Manager

@bscwharzeclick Cancel on this screen to go back to the report as a whole, then you'll see the Report Details option I mentioned. Right now you are drilled into a single entry. The Report Details isn't available when viewing an entry. It is there, trust me.:slightly_smiling_face:

Thank you,
Kevin Dorsey
SAP Concur Community Manager
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Occasional Member - Level 1

@KevinDyou're the man! Thank you

Community Manager
Community Manager

@bscwharzeI've also been called an angel. LOL. Glad I could help.

Thank you,
Kevin Dorsey
SAP Concur Community Manager
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