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Occasional Member - Level 3



We are interested in turning on expense assistant but were wondering if we have a way to enable this automatically for all of our users vs. them having to enable it in their profile.

如果没有办法把这个对于所有用户来说,is there a report of some kind that will show us who has and hasn't enabled this feature?

Thank you,


Super User
Super User


can you please share with me why Expense Assistant is suitable for your company?

In my case, after six months with Concur, I found that is much easier to work without Expense assistant.


Occasional Member - Level 3


We would like to utilize this solution as we are currently in pilot with Concur. We have a number of our company locations participating but a larger number of locations that will not be rolled onto the tool until Spring. Because of this, our accounting department needs to do accrual reporting and the best way for the report to be as accurate as possible is if the expenses are ON a report (doesn't necessarily have to be submitted). The accrual report doesn't pick up items that are under available expenses (not on a report). Having the reports create automatically will ensure better accuracy of our data. Also, expense reports are submitted once per month for those with Corporate credit cards. We are set up as Company Bill/Company Pay.


Thanks so much for the info.

Please, be aware that Expenseit will fill wrong dates in some cases.

  • Expense tickets wrote by hand
  • Expense tickets with no date
  • Expense tickets with more than one date
  • ...

Check thisLinkwith your Concur Consultant.


Community Manager
Community Manager

@NTSdid you mean to say Expense Assistant will fill wrong dates?:slightly_smiling_face:

Thank you,
Kevin Dorsey
SAP Concur Community Manager
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No, Expense Assistant works ok.

The issue may occur when you use Expenseit and Expense Assistant by Month. For example:

  • My company let me send my expense reports at month end + 3 days.
  • I'm finishing my November expense report, 1st December.
  • I upload a new expense ticket using Expenseit, date is missing or is not clear.
  • Expense it will then update the date with the current day date 1st December.
  • 费用的助理will create the December Expense Report and move the Expense to that Report

Hope it's clear now.

Community Manager
Community Manager

@NTSAhhhh, yes. I see what you are saying. Personally, I have Expense Assistant turned off. But that's just me.:slightly_smiling_face:

Thank you,
Kevin Dorsey
SAP Concur Community Manager
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