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Occasional Member - Level 1

Error Code when Itemising expense

I've had the following error code for last 24 hr when trying to expense a hotel charge. It comes up every time I try to itemise the bill


The pop up suggests I log out and try later - this has not worked and I'm still unable to complete the claim

Super User
Super User

Hello, The users in our company are facing the same issue. The error code is different

@KevinD——这是不相关w UI?



Community Manager
Community Manager

@HarshaI cannot say for sure, but the timing with the mandatory cutover seems more than just a coincidence.:slightly_smiling_face:

@craigCPWI know there was something mentioned last week about itemization issues and that our R&D teams is aware and working on this issue.

Thank you,
Kevin Dorsey
SAP Concur Community Manager
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Community Manager
Community Manager

@craigCPWand@Harshait seems there have been some unusual glitches and unexpected errors with the mandatory cutover of NextGen UI. Several of these have self-resolved, so let me know if the users are still getting this error or if it has gone away.

Thank you,
Kevin Dorsey
SAP Concur Community Manager
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I've started getting (i suspect) the same issue. I've not had any issues along this line since the update so I'm not sure if it is the same.

my error code was04b7b086-7213-4809-af20-c7348bd74442.

我只是意识到我不喜欢to use the actual vendor name if they aren't in the drop list. Slight problem when not using large corporations!

is there still a known issue or am I just special?