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New Member - Level 1

Drag and Drop Receipts to Line Level with New Interface

With the New Interface-can you still drag and drop your receipts if you are on that expense line in the report?

Occasional Member - Level 1

Totally ridiculous. How much did they save by removing that feature? Today is my first day using the new site and already I know it's going to take me 3X as long to enter information than it did before.

Community Manager
Community Manager

@TammieDit will be coming back. It is being worked on right now.

Thank you,
Kevin Dorsey
SAP Concur Community Manager
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Occasional Member - Level 2

If it was based on usage and customer feedback, they did not ask the real world users - the admins who have to do multiple expense reports each month for multiple managers. THAT is the real world.

Community Manager
Community Manager

@ValZEE你会很高兴知道that is being brought back. Look for changes next month and by the end of the year.

Thank you,
Kevin Dorsey
SAP Concur Community Manager
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Occasional Member - Level 2

That is GREAT news (you do mean THIS year right ;-). I will just have to put up with the extra work and aggravation a little longer, fingers crossed...

Community Manager
Community Manager

@ValZEEYes, this year.:slightly_smiling_face:

Thank you,
Kevin Dorsey
SAP Concur Community Manager
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New Member - Level 2

Definitely NOT the case of lack of use! This is a poor decision.

Routine Member - Level 3

Reading through this and I really can't see a reason why this feature would've been removed. The only possibilities are that Concur didn't know nor appreciate how widely it was used, or that it's a sneaky way to push customers to purchase ExpenseIt. It really doesn't make sense.

For those customers most impacted due to the way they currently use Concur, are they across other methods of adding receipts?

  1. Capturing through the mobile app - good for hard-copy receipts like meals, taxis, car parking
  2. Emailing to either receipts@concur.com or receipts@expenseit.com - good for receipts received via email. Requires email verification for both users and delegates (if they want to email to delegated user's Concur account) but worth taking the time to set this up.
  3. Settings in partner apps (e.g. Uber) so business receipts can be sent directly to Concur

We are ExpenseIt customers and through training our cardholders and delegates to use these methods we've greatly reduced the need to add receipts from within Concur. YMMV.

New Member - Level 2

The old UI was so much more streamlined for inventory purchases. We have hundreds of transactions a month and I was able to do everything from the main screen. I could hover over a charge and if the vendor supplied information it would show up right there. I could drag and drop the receipt, add my note and move on to the next transaction all without leaving the main screen. I could process 4 charges in the time it takes me to do 1 with this new setup. Please bring back the drag and drop and the transaction information.

New Member - Level 2

this feature needs to be brought back. how is this new Ui and IMPROVEMENT when all it does is to create more inefficiencies?

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