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Occasional Member - Level 2

Drag & Drop Receipts to Concur

Hi All,

Desktop users querying whether it is possible to allow drag and drop option to import receipts from local drive.

Appreciate your insight.

Kind Regards


Community Manager
Community Manager

@nalidissaNot in our NextGen UI. If you open an expense report and screenshot it, I can tell you for sure. If you are by chance on our Legacy UI, drag and drop is available.

Thank you,
Kevin Dorsey
SAP Concur Community Manager
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Occasional Member - Level 2

HI Kevin,

Thank you for the response. Please find the screenshots



Occasional Member - Level 3

This is unfortunately a case of Drag N Drop functionality being available in Old UI, but not in New UI. I don't know why Concur would remove the functionality. It is one of the major feedback points as to why we have delayed moving to new UI. Concur - please bring it back in new UI!

Same for us as well. This is being brought up as issue months after going live with new UI. Don't know why it was taken away.

New Member - Level 2

This is unfortunate and a poor decision for the end user... requires additional time and effort!

Occasional Member - Level 1

WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY would they get rid of THE most useful part of the report? REALLY!?! This ONE expense report has already taken me 3 times as long to process, and I have 3 more to get to just today!!!

Is there a way to petition the court for a review?


Occasional Member - Level 1

YIKES... Eliminating this functionality will cause great pain and will result in considerably more time needed to prepare the 11 expense reports I address each month. This alone negates the "so-called" time-saving improvements with itemization. Literally want to throw the computer against the wall. I did read somewhere it's on the list to bring back and IMHO they can't bring it back soon enough. Brilliant - not!

Occasional Member - Level 3

A user in another thread posted a link to an improvement suggestion that support users can vote on for drag and drop.


If you want to see this basic functionality return, please check it out. Apparently each SAP Concur client company can have 1 vote counted. Thanks!

New Member - Level 1

I can't access the link to vote. The new interface is so slow to use and drag and drop was a nice feature that has been removed with an update.

SAP Concur Employee
SAP Concur Employee

Please note that this functionality is on the published roadmap; it is planned for a Q4 2022 delivery:https://roadmaps.sap.com/board?PRODUCT=089E017A62AB1EDA94C15F5EDB3400E1&range=CURRENT-LAST#;INNO=000...

TheImprovement Requeston the Customer Influence website is already in an Accepted status and will be updated to Delivered once the functionality is available in the new UI.

Occasional Member - Level 1

I don't have access to the page link. Can you tell me when in Q4 2022 this is planned? Our end users are not happy with not being able to drag & drop feature. Thank you.

Occasional Member - Level 1

Any chance of getting this functionality back? Why would the company take away functionality on a site? This was a very useful tool. It is so much easier to drag/drop than the search/upload. PLEASE RETURN THIS FUNCTIONALITY!!!

@BeePark63Per concur, it will be implemented in NextGen UI by end of the year.


Occasional Member - Level 1

I have been in IT over 30 years and have used Concur for well over 10, and I always saw them as the leader in this space...until now.

Our company changed over to the new UI a couple of months ago, and I have not even been able to complete an expense report since. The process to submit a single expense, has more than tripled now . Who ever approved the change to remove the drag and drop functionality should be FIRED IMMEADIATELY! This is probably one of the worse changes I have seen a company make a a good system. Concur has gone backwards from a leader and they are just another frustrating and mediocre online system now.

Just horrible.