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Occasional Member - Level 2

Does Concur have a department dedicated to address concerns/needs of people with disabilities?

Hello, This is in respect to the new Interface - Unfortunately, it isnotuser-friendly for many of us with neurological and/or migraine concerns. Would Concur consider a tab that would allow users to opt out of this new look, similar to what Microsoft did with it's new Outlook (which I also need to utilize)?

Many thanks,

From those of us who depend on Concur for work, and yet are suffering because of the"updated look to make the site more accessible".

Community Manager
Community Manager

@Cris617I know there are four options for the new theme. There is an Evening Horizon theme you could choose that may help with your issue. When you are signed in, click your initials in the upper right corner. Select Profile Settings. From Profile Settings, look under Other Settings for System Settings. Here you can change the theme. See screenshot.


Thank you,
Kevin Dorsey
SAP Concur Community Manager
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Occasional Member - Level 2

Hi Kevin,

Thank you for your message - I did try those, unfortunately, the contrasts made things worse. It is difficult to explain the neurological nuances, I apologize - I just really hope that, for me, and for so many others, Concur can offer the option to have the old interface. Thank you again for taking the time to respond.

All best, Cris

Occasional Member - Level 2

Dear Kevin,

I just came out of a severe three-day migraine - I was unable to function, and was almost hospitalized in order to be hydrated. When I request an alternative to this new interface, for e.g., an option for users to use the old interface for Concur, I do so with utmost sincerity and urgency, for all those who may suffer with neurologically issues such as epilepsy and/or migraines, as I do.

Thank you,

Cris Paul

Occasional Member - Level 1

This has been a topic in our company as well. I think Concur should take these comments regarding accessibility seriously, as we too have users that are affected by this.

Occasional Member - Level 2

Thank you for your comment. I simply cannot understand why they would not take us seriously, as it is potentially a much larger ADA issue. Thank you for your empathy.

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