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Occasional Member - Level 1

Automatically add me to the attendee list

I have noticed recently that when I select ex. Lunch as an expense category, I have to go in and add myself as an actual attendee. Up until now my name was auto populated and I added guests if there were any. My name is auto populated in (business meals) but not in the individual items. Please help as this is very time consuming.

Community Manager
Community Manager

@wgauthierfor individual meals, you don't need to add yourself as an attendee or I should say it shouldn't be required that you add yourself. However, every company is different. But in my opinion, requiring employees to add themselves as an attendee to a Breakfast, Lunch or Dinner expense, is a little redundant. Does your company require that you add your name to Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner expense types as well as Business Meal?

Sounds like your site is configured to add your name automatically for the Business Meal expense type, but not for individual meal types, which is most common and a best practice.

The intent of meal expense types like Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner are to be used for individual meals, not group meals. Therefore, you shouldn't be required to add yourself as an attendee.

I'm saying this based on what is most common and best practice and without seeing how your site is set up.

Thank you,
Kevin Dorsey
SAP Concur Community Manager
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Occasional Member - Level 1

I understand that, but if I do not add myself as an attendee to a simple breakfast, lunch, or dinner expense, it flags it as missing information. This just started as the employee has always been added by default on any meal expense. This just started recently. When I select Business Meals, I am in there by default, but not for individual meals.

Occasional Member - Level 2

We are having the same issue. My name used to default as the attendee in the expense types we have configured to have me default, but now I no longer default. Something is wrong and we are just noticing it.


Occasional Member - Level 2

We are having a similar issue. However, instead of the users name being added as the default attendee for Business Meals (with attendees), the system is randomly selecting another employees name. For example, when I add an expense for Business Meals (with attendees) the system automatically adds my colleague as an attendee where as before it used to automatically add my name and I would have to manually add any other folks who were in attendance. Something is definitely not functioning the way it used to.

Occasional Member - Level 3

We are having the same issue since Thursday, Concur acknowledged that issues is wider and impacting winder clients. We have opened the case today. thank you

Occasional Member - Level 3

We have received an update from Concur on this issue,

Our development team has identified the cause of the issue and a fix will be deployed today (or has already been deployed) but I do not have an exact time frame.

So, if you are still experiencing the issue and need an urgent workaround, users can remove the wrong attendee and add themselves manually by following steps below:

  1. Open your expense report
  2. Select and open the affected expense entry
  3. Click Attendees
  4. 单击检查box of the incorrect Attendee in the Attendees window
  5. Click Remove
  6. Click Add
  7. Select the Attendee Type that refers to the system attendee
  8. Search your profile either by first name, last name or email address
  9. 单击检查box that corresponds to your attendee record
  10. Click Add to List
  11. Close the Attendees Window
  12. Click Save

I hope this helps!