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Occasional Member - Level 2

Automatic allocation of per diem and travel allowance

Hi community

A colleague in the same firm and same department is using the same concur expense mobile app as me but in "his version" when logging in the per diem and travel allowance automatically allocates the expenses. This is of course if he have made the expenses beforehand and logs in after the dates of the expenses. The thing is, on the Mobile app I have to go in on each date with per diem to allocate manual.

How do I get it to do automatically when logging in? Am i missing a setup?



Frequent Member - Level 1


I understand that in the new version of Concur Request, it is possible for approved travel request toautomatically generate an expense report. As per the documentation, below are the conditions that must be met for the feature to behave as expected:

  • the feature is enabled
  • the request is approved
  • the start date of the request is "now or in the past" (meaning the trip has started)
  • no other expense report has been associated to the request

Based on your comment that this works for your colleague, it seems that the feature is enabled for your company. Since this does not seem to work for you, I would suggest that you raise a case with your internal support team/ Concur administrator. They can look into the details of your requests and advise why the auto-creation is not working for you. Hope this helps.

Best regards,


Best regards,

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Best regards,
Fellow Concur Site Administrator
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Occasional Member - Level 2


Thank you for your reply. A few comments from my side.

  • the feature is enabled
    • I dont know. I will ask our accounting.
  • the request is approved
    • This is an ongoing travel expense and when my colleague open the expense report it allocates per diem in the "past" automatically.
  • the start date of the request is "now or in the past" (meaning the trip has started)
    • Yes it is.
  • no other expense report has been associated to the request
    • Nope.

Best regards


Frequent Member - Level 1

Thanks@Rasmus_GEA. I am intrigued but cannot provide more insights on how it is working for your colleague.

Perhaps@KevinDcan provide a bit more insights into the setup at your company

Best regards,


Best regards,

Remember to tag me if you respond or feel free to mark this post as Solved if you don't have further questions or comments. To tag me on your response, you click the Reply button, first thing to type is @. This should bring up the username of the person you are replying to.

Best regards,
Fellow Concur Site Administrator
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Community Manager
Community Manager

@Rasmus_GEAit is really difficult to answer this question as we don't know what your colleague is doing as compared to what you are doing. Is your colleague signing in on the web version and attaching the itinerary to their expense report there? Is your colleague only using the mobile app? Are you only using the mobile app? There are a lot of questions that would need to be answered.

The only way per diems are created is by creating a new expense report and selecting that travel allowances need to be reported. Then you would assign an itinerary to the report. This will then break out the per diems.

系统不会自动跳出和广告d per diems to an expense report without some action by the traveler. So, my guess is your colleague is assigning an itinerary to their report.

Thank you,
Kevin Dorsey
SAP Concur Community Manager
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Occasional Member - Level 2

Hi Kevin

Thank you for your reply

As i write in the beginning we are using mobile app, same version, and are doing the exact same routine. So we make a travel plan with per diem one month ahead fx and then if he logs onto the mobile app it will allocate the per diem up until the date when he logs in.

Best regards


Community Manager
Community Manager

@Rasmus_GEA所以我清楚正在发生的事情……当哟u create your travel plan with per diems, you are not seeing the daily allowances on your expense claim when you view the claim in the mobile app, but your colleague is able to see all the daily allowances on their expense claim in the mobile app? Is that correct?

Thank you,
Kevin Dorsey
SAP Concur Community Manager
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