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Occasional Member - Level 1

Audit rule based on User's Account Activation date


I want to create an Audit rule that e.g US employees, whose Account activation date is before e.g. 1/Jan/2023 cannot use the specific Expense type and create such Expense. Only US Employees who joined on or after 1/Jan/2023.

供参考:费用类型是可以le to all other Global groups with no account activation date restrictions, in other words, other employees from other countries can create such Expenses does not matter on the Account Activation date.

Is that doable, please?

If not the audit rule, what could be the workaround?

Thank you,


Routine Member - Level 3


Employee activation date is not available for use in audit rules. You will need to maintain it in one of the custom fields and then you can use the custom field from employee profile in your audit rule. I am assuming that these employees already belong to a separate employee group or have a field available in the profile to allow identification. If this is not possible then you have to make do with a warning audit rule, when this expense type is used, asking all employees to respect this policy guideline.

Best regards,

Community Manager
Community Manager

@Jitkaeven if it were possible, you would need to include in your audit rule all the employee IDs of those who the rule should not apply. Because audit rules apply to Groups, you would need to create conditions that are exceptions to the rule.

Thank you,
Kevin Dorsey
SAP Concur Community Manager
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Occasional Member - Level 1


thank you all...so finally, what worked for us new creation of Groups in List management, such Groups are used in the Custom field in the user profile.

So what you suggested worked.

Thank you,
