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Occasional Member - Level 2

Attendees List

Hello everyone,

I was wondering how you handle adding attendees to meal expenses. What works for your company and what has failed.

My company is thinking of adding the Concur directory feature and changing the group size of attendees from 25 to 5 or 10 and not requiring attendees names.

Would very much appreciate insight on what you are doing or what you like/don’t like.

Thank you,

Occasional Member - Level 3

Hi there

我们只是改变参加者列表功能Entertainment. The tax laws (FBT) in Aus require that we have a name and the company, where they are a gustm employee or spouse as different portions of the tax rule are affteced by which type of attendee they are.

Hope this helps


Community Manager
Community Manager

So, a little known feature available in Concur (which I believe is turned on by default) is using Outlook to create an attendee list. How it works is this: You create an Outlook meeting invite and send it to those who will be attending the group meal. After they have accepted, and they must accept the invite for this feature to work, you can open the meeting invite then use the Forward option in Outlook. You will then forward as iCalendar to receipts@concur.com. This will create a list of the attendees that will appear in your Available Expenses. I know there are other ways people get attendees added to reports, but if it is a larger group, this option may work well for you.

Thank you,
Kevin Dorsey
SAP Concur Community Manager
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Occasional Member - Level 2

Thank you so much KevinD.

I had no idea this feature was available wthin Concur. I will look into this feature for my company.

Occasional Member - Level 2

Hi KevinD,

I followed your steps but I never received the document under my available expenses.

Do you have any other suggestions?

Occasional Member - Level 2

Hi KevinD,

I followed your steps but I never received the document under my available expenses.

Do you have any other suggestions?

Community Manager
Community Manager


I retested this after reading your reply and it worked for me. So, without seeing exactly what you are doing, It is difficult for me to offer suggestions, but Amber has given some other options that are great.

Thank you,
Kevin Dorsey
SAP Concur Community Manager
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Routine Member - Level 1

Hi, Kevin -

Is this functionality of loading Attendee Lists from email still available, or has the functionality been deprecated?

As I understand, it was deprecated in the new UI. What other options other than the "Attendee Import" form and manually creating a list of 500 Attendees is recommended?


Community Manager
Community Manager

@new_phoenixyou are correct, it has been deprecated.

I haven't come up with a good alternative or even heard of a good alternative other than using the Import option. I posted internally to see if there is some option I'm not aware of, however I feel that the Attendee Import is the only option for large numbers.

Thank you,
Kevin Dorsey
SAP Concur Community Manager
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Occasional Member - Level 3

Our company has been using the concur directory for about a year now. Accounting and Payroll get reports for Meals and Entertainment. Payroll receives a weekly report on Gift Cards. Both needed the employee id for company's employees and guest's company name.

I created a rule to block business guests with our company name directing the user to use the directory when adding employees to the attendee list.

In the past, employees will use the name they know for the employee which in many cases was not the proper legal name.

The Outlook invite is used by many to automatically add attendees.

Routine Member - Level 3

Kevin's suggestion is my original go-to and if it's not working for you make sure your email is verified in Concur. If you're trying to do it on your phone make sure the email in your Concur matches the email you have set up on your phone.
If you're a delegate and you want to add attendees for someone else you must be listed as their delegate, both emails must be verified, and their email goes in the subject line.

Another option is through the Concur app. When you're in the expense report on the expense line that requires attendees, click the plus sign (+) on the top right. It will give you 4 options, the first two of which are the best IMO. The first is "add attendees from Outlook Calendar". After you click it a date field will pop up. Put in the date of the expense and if it's on your Outlook calendar it will show up there. Click it and add attendees to the expense. Voila!

ค๓๒єг ɭєє - ᴄᴏɴᴄᴜʀ ᴄᴏɴɴᴏɪssᴇᴜʀ
(っ◔◡◔)っ ☆ Fort Worth, Texas ☆
Routine Member - Level 3

Continuing from my last reply:
Option 2 is "Add from contacts" which is super cool if your phone saves contacts for you automatically. If so then you just choose attendees from your phone contacts and it populates all the fields for you.

3rd is Add manually
4th is Search

The first two are way cooler.:smiling_face_with_sunglasses:

ค๓๒єг ɭєє - ᴄᴏɴᴄᴜʀ ᴄᴏɴɴᴏɪssᴇᴜʀ
(っ◔◡◔)っ ☆ Fort Worth, Texas ☆
Occasional Member - Level 2

This tip is awesome! Thanks!

I thought attendee should be imported by a Concur admin? I have a list of people that are used by marketing team. We do not have email meeting. Can I import a list?

New Member - Level 1

I'm trying to use the feature to e-mail the calendar event to myself. I checked my profile to confirm the email address I'm using is the one that is validated in Concur. I forward the calendar event to receipts@concur.com but I it doesn't show up in my expenses. Any idea what I'm doing wrong? Could it be because I'm not in Canada? (I noticed the Outlook app for Concur is only available in the US).

Thank you.

Community Manager
Community Manager


很难知道问题是什么ince we cannot see what it is you are doing. It could be that you aren't using the correct forwarding option. Also, if you are using the NextGen UI, you may not see it appear in Expense.

Would you be able to take some screenshots and provide them. That will help with troubleshooting.


Thank you,
Kevin Dorsey
SAP Concur Community Manager
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Routine Member - Level 3

Sorry for bombarding you with multiple responses but I'd like to end by answering your specific questions.

与会者是皮塔饼但必要的。主要的reason behind them is our old friend Uncle Sam. Allowable vs unallowable is a very fine line that changes based on seemingly minute differences like title. Employees, nonemployees, government employees, dignitaries, physicians, and any combination of these are all taxed different. Your company can write-off 100% of expenses with a certain type of attendee, 50% for others or 0%. When you consider how much is spent on meals and entertainment and the taxes associated with those, you're looking at some major savings. Plus, IRS audit...

Kevin, correct me if I'm wrong but every profile, active and inactive, will show up in the attendee search in addition to any attendee manually created by anyone at anytime from your company so using an official directory might be redundant.

Not sure what you mean by limiting the # from 25 to 5? I would never put a limit on an unknown variable.

Finally, if you aren't using the attendee feature correctly you can't pull awesome reports like this:

Duplicate Meal Attendees Report

The Duplicate Meal Attendees Report, located in the Intelligence Fraud folder, identifies expenses where the same person is claimed as an attendee on two different expense items on the same day. Once you identify a duplicate attendee, you should investigate why this occurred. There are cases where this could be a legitimate situation where the same person is taken out to multiple meals. However, this could be fraudulent if two different employees claim the same person as an attendee for the same meal. In that case, you have an opportunity to collect spend that is not a legitimate business expense.

ค๓๒єг ɭєє - ᴄᴏɴᴄᴜʀ ᴄᴏɴɴᴏɪssᴇᴜʀ
(っ◔◡◔)っ ☆ Fort Worth, Texas ☆
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