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Occasional Member - Level 1

Attaching Receipts

Our expense report screen was recently updated and the ability to drag and drop a receipt into Concur is no longer available. Has this affected anyone else and is there any known work arounds? While it might not seem like much, saving hundreds of files to your desktop and manually uploading each one can be quite time consuming.

Community Manager
Community Manager

@mberdanthis feature was removed from the new UI. However, due to customer feedback, it will be coming back. I've seen a preview of it and it looks good. It will be launched in two phases. We are aiming for phase 1 to launch in November, but we cannot guarantee this. Keep an eye out here on the Community. I will be posting an announcement when the feature is live.

Thank you,
Kevin Dorsey
SAP Concur Community Manager
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Frequent Member - Level 1


In addition to Kevin's response and the good news that drag-and-drop for receipts is coming back, I would recommend verifying your email address in Concur (Profile -> Profile Settings -> Email Addresses) so you can email receipts to receipts@concur.com (or receipts@expenseit.com if your company is licensed for ExpenseIt). This is quicker than saving and uploading each file manually.

Occasional Member - Level 1

HELP! The prior UI had the ability to have expense report open (all expenses visible) along with available expenses. I was able to sort the report by expense item value, and easily click receipts and match receipt to charges with ease. Now, I must click on the expense, choose to upload receipt, and then scroll thru every receipt to locate the one needed. Am I missing a shortcut or did this functionality disappear with the drag/drop receipt functionality. I'm in a world of hurt attempting to reconcile $100k in October alone on company credit card. Please, please, please tell me there's some mysteriously hidden view function/shortcut I've yet to discover. If not, forget emailing receipts to Concur, I'm going to be forced to literally save every receipt in a folder by $$ value so I can easily match to expenses.

Occasional Member - Level 1

I'm having the same issue. I did find that if I go to upload receipts, I can now select several receipts to upload at one time whereas before i could only add one at a time.

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