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Occasional Member - Level 1

Alert on Future Date is not removed when Future Date has become Past Date

For certain expenses, I get an alert "You are not permitted to enter future dated expenses.", for example, for entering a hotel expense with check-out date in the future. The reason I enter this expense early is because I receive the bill on check-in.

It's OK that there is an alert but that alert remains in force even after the check-out date has become the past and hence the alert is no longer valid.

In my view the system should remove the alert automatically, however, I have to edit the expense item (save it) before the alert is cleared.

Seems like a bug to me.

Community Manager
Community Manager

@WernerSchulzIt isn't a bug. Those alerts "fire" or "clear" based on how your company sets them up. The rules that cause those alerts can be set up to "fire" upon report save, entry save, entry submit or report submit. I just confirmed that in your company's site, the rule fires on Entry Save.

Thank you,
Kevin Dorsey
SAP Concur Community Manager
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Occasional Member - Level 1

Dear@KevinD- thanks for the reply. Miy issue is not with "firing" an alert. My issue is with removing them after their right to exist has become obsolete. Any date moves into the past at some point; at the moment the alert should cease to exist. And they do - but only when I edit the expense and save it. That's just extra work forced on me. Date-based alerts should have an expiry date.

@WernerSchulzfair point, but the act of saving is what "takes" the new date. Just like changing any other field that is either a drop down or is not text based. The system won't take the change until saved.

Thank you,
Kevin Dorsey
SAP Concur Community Manager
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